Archives for June 2012


Had the pleasure of working with colleagues to begin to align the LEAP21 framework to Australian context.

The LEAP21 framework is designed to bridge the gap between the substantial ITL global research conducted by SRI International and Microsoft over the last 3 years and the development of innovative teaching and learning practices in the classroom.
The Leap21 framework offers teachers a powerful set of tools to reflect on and improve their practice and is designed to support teachers in;
* Deepening their understanding of the 21st century skills that students require now and into the future
* Using a set of detailed definitions and dimensions to analyse learning design and provide better opportunities for students to demonstrate 21st century capabilities
* Improving student learning outcomes by using a common process to explore the link between learning activity design and student work
Watch this space!


closing on 700

Will you be the 700th member of the Leading with ICT group at

Professional Learning Principles

• high-quality professional development begins with the principal;

• the principal must be part of the process, not just a facilitator;

• peer coaching (or coaching of some flavour [maxd]) is essential;

• teacher leadership is key to the program’s success; and

• participants need to see the value in the content and be willing to take risks.

via Rural Education – Education Week.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals — THE Journal

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals — THE Journal.

some great thinking about leading with and thorough technology

just accepted at ACEL 2012

Will be presenting a workshop based on the modeling behind and successes of the So What? Project.


In Education, Technology Changes Everything and Nothing.

Recognise the power of pedagogy

contemporary teaching and learning

21st Century Skills: ( grr the phrase rreally irks me…but i can’t find an alternative…..)The Challenges Ahead. relevant concise and interesting

the crux of it:
“Without better curriculum, better teaching, and better tests, the emphasis on “21st century skills” will be a superficial one that will sacrifice long-term gains for the appearance of short-term progress.”

pedagogy driving technology

teachers need to focus on the teaching, not on the ICT

hats off to the bravery behind the comment:

“I became a “real” teacher because one day a student got ahead of me.”


The iPad is meant as a one user device. Otherwise you risk your daughter sending pretty pictures to your colleagues.

no harm done…;-)