In Education, Technology Changes Everything and Nothing.

Recognise the power of pedagogy

contemporary teaching and learning

21st Century Skills: ( grr the phrase rreally irks me…but i can’t find an alternative…..)The Challenges Ahead. relevant concise and interesting

the crux of it:
“Without better curriculum, better teaching, and better tests, the emphasis on “21st century skills” will be a superficial one that will sacrifice long-term gains for the appearance of short-term progress.”

pedagogy driving technology

teachers need to focus on the teaching, not on the ICT

hats off to the bravery behind the comment:

“I became a “real” teacher because one day a student got ahead of me.”


The iPad is meant as a one user device. Otherwise you risk your daughter sending pretty pictures to your colleagues.

no harm done…;-)


TED-Ed. adding to our repertoire. interesting how much stuff on flipping has been hitting the www since TED Eds launch!

Stephen Heppell in Launceston

stephen heppell’s good ideas to transform learning on pinterest

May 2012 – had the pleasure of dinner with Stephen and 20 others in Launceston – candid, rambling, provocative and humourous – an all round good bloke!

quality teaching practice, supported by structures and genuine student voice.

a mindblowing example:

a framework for constructing professional learning

influenced by the work of Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze